Networking Strategies for Working Mothers

Networking Strategies for Working Mothers

Networking is an important aspect of career success, and it’s especially important for working mothers who may face additional challenges and obstacles in their careers.  Networking strategies can be a game changer for those who are not confident networkers....
7 Things You Should Know Before Owning A Business

7 Things You Should Know Before Owning A Business

It would be great working for yourself, wouldn’t it?  Having flexible hours, answering to no one, being able to come and go as you please and earn lots of cash! This is what attracts a lot of ambitious mothers to self-employment and business ownership, but is...
Plan Your Day

Plan Your Day

Your task for Day 23 of the 28 Days of Abundant Practice Challenge is to plan your day. This is a daily task that you do either the day before, or, the morning of the day you’re planning for.  Keep reading for insights on how you can better plan your day. Aside...
Map Out Your Week

Map Out Your Week

Your task on Day 22 of the 28 Day Abundant Practice Challenge is to map out your week. OK, we’re almost there now.  Map out the week using the time blocking method we covered yesterday.  You know what your tasks are for the month, you know what your general...
Learn Time Blocking

Learn Time Blocking

Your task on Day 21 of the 28 Day Abundant Practice Challenge is to learn time blocking. You have your plans, you know the kind of life you want.  To ensure you have it, an ambitious mother needs to make her plans and stick with them as much as possible.  Time...