Networking is an important aspect of career success, and it’s especially important for working mothers who may face additional challenges and obstacles in their careers.  Networking strategies can be a game changer for those who are not confident networkers.

It’s important to know how to network effectively or you can waste a lot of time hanging out with the wrong people at the wrong time, confused about why you’re getting the wrong results.  Instead of going down that road (I’m sure you know what I’m talking about that!) do this instead:  

  1. Identify your goals: Define what you want to get out of networking, such as making new connections, finding a new job, or gaining new clients.
  2. Attend events: Attend industry events, conferences, and networking events where you can meet new people and make connections.
  3. Utilise online networking: Utilise online networking platforms such as LinkedIn to connect with others in your industry, share your expertise, and stay up-to-date on industry news.
  4. Be authentic: Be yourself and let others get to know the real you. Building genuine relationships will be more meaningful and more likely to lead to new opportunities.
  5. Follow up: After meeting someone new, follow up with a message or email to keep in touch and continue building the relationship.  This step is vital and without it the previous steps can be a waste of your time.

By following these tips, you can successfully network as a working mother and advance your career.


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