Your task on Day 22 of the 28 Day Abundant Practice Challenge is to map out your week.

OK, we’re almost there now.  Map out the week using the time blocking method we covered yesterday.  You know what your tasks are for the month, you know what your general weekly time table is too.  This means you can drop your tasks into the relevant days of the week in the blocks of time you’ve allotted for that type of task.  Noice!!

You wonderful, ambitious mothers are going to be walking in your purpose every year, every month, every week and every single day by the end of this challenge.

Stick with me, let’s do this!

Take the upcoming week from the month you mapped out and break it down.  Don’t forget to allocate time for the things you want to do – not just for the things you need to do.  This is how a Mother of Abundance creates and receives her abundance, OK?

Here’s an example of a weekly plan.  This is a weekly ritual to do on the Friday, Saturday or Sunday before the week you’re planning.

Map Out Your Week

You’ll notice that I don’t have any work appointments on this example.  I find that the work appointments tend to stay in my online diary unless there’s something out of the ordinary that I need to prepare for.

Does yours look anything like this??  Feel free to share it on social media if it’s not too personal.  I’d love to see how you do yours.

Comment on social media with the hashtag #28daysofabundance, join the facebook group here:  Feel free to invite other ambitious mothers to the group.

This post and the 28 Days of Abundant Practice Challenge are inspired by the principles in the 9 Steps to True Abundance infographic.  You can get your free copy by signing up below.