As a working mother, building relationships and making connections through networking can be a key factor in advancing your career. Networking can help you stay informed about industry trends, find new job opportunities, and gain valuable insights from others in your field.


Here are some reasons why networking is important for career advancement:

  1. Access to new opportunities: Networking can provide access to new job opportunities and help you stay informed about industry trends.
  2. Building relationships: Networking can help you build relationships with others in your field, including potential mentors, colleagues, and clients.
  3. Sharing knowledge and expertise: Networking allows you to share your knowledge and expertise with others, which can help you gain recognition and advance your career.
  4. Staying current: Networking can help you stay up-to-date on industry news and trends, and can provide valuable insights into new technologies and approaches.


By incorporating networking into your career strategy, you can increase your chances of success and advance your career as a working mother. 

You don’t have a career strategy?  I’m happy to help you with that, get in contact with me to see how I can help!


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