A Mother of Abundance needs to be grounded, to regularly reset and refresh so that she can be her best.  Your task on Day 15 of The 28 Days of Abundant Practice Challenge is to pray, meditate or do both.

Raising children and having ambition can be emotionally challenging.  Prayer and meditation can definitely help.  It helps to give balance.

I was taught to say my prayers as a child and it’s something I’ve kept up as an adult.  I see prayer as talking to God, The Source, The Creator, Universal Energy.  Whether it’s saying thank you as part of my gratitude practice, talking through my problems or simply giving praise – it’s something I do each day throughout the day.

Meditation takes many forms.  It can be guided with gentle music and softly spoken scripts; chanting the same word or phrase over and over, listening to binaural beats, watching a candle flame, etc.

The basis of meditation is “focus”.   Anything you do can be a form of meditation; whether you are moving or still; silent or speaking.

[click_to_tweet tweet=”The basis of meditation is ‘focus’.   Anything you do can be a form of meditation; whether you are moving or still; silent or speaking.” quote=”The basis of meditation is ‘focus’.   Anything you do can be a form of meditation; whether you are moving or still; silent or speaking.” theme=”style1″]

There are organisations that teach meditation.  Some even teach for free.  Meditation can be part of a religious practice whilst some have more of a focus on relaxation and well-being and aren’t faith-based.

When I meditate, I sit quietly and pay attention to my breath.  I like to do it daily at least once, sometimes twice.  I’ve learned many forms of meditation over the years and I’ve found it works wonders for my ability to focus, remain relaxed, and do things I’d normally procrastinate over.  I also meditate using my affirmations in a chanting style.  I might do this in my head or out loud.  Either way, it’s just great!

I pray every day without trying.  I wake up giving thanks and go to sleep giving thanks.  If you practice a faith I strongly recommend prayer as something that’s calming and comforting – a constant companion.

Whether or not you practice a faith, meditation can help you no end.

Find a practice that works for your personality and your beliefs.  Create a practice that you can do daily, and ensure that you do it every day.

Do you already pray or meditate?  Does it work for you?  Have you tried to have a practice before and not been able to keep it up?  Whatever your thoughts, I’d like to read them below.

Comment on social media with the hashtag #28daysofabundance, join the facebook group here:
https://www.facebook.com/groups/motherofabundance/  Feel free to invite other ambitious mothers to the group.

This post and the 28 Days of Abundant Practice Challenge are inspired by the principles in the 9 Steps to True Abundance infographic.  You can get your free copy by signing up below.