
[3 Minutes Read]

Hello, and welcome to Mother of Abundance.

The place where ambitious, caring mothers find information on how to live your best life. So whether you’re a motorist who’s growing a business, climbing the corporate ladder, studying for a qualification or an at home mother, while striving to be the best you can be, you’re in the right place. I’m your host, Xina Gooding Broderick.

Hello, I hope this episode finds you healthy and happy. It’s Season 2, Episode 8. And today we’re talking about: What does leadership mean to you as a loving ambitious mother? What does leadership mean to you?

Sometimes when we think of leadership, we think of stuffed shirts, people smashing their fists down, talking about buy, buy, buy, sell, sell sell, the bottom line, ruthlessness, sometimes leadership, you know, we think of people like Mother Teresa, but not so often. I have to say, I think it’s more the former rather than the latter view, or maybe something in between.

Either way, when we think about leadership, do you think of women who are in powerful leadership roles? Do you think of yourself? Do you think of what it’s like in your home to be a leader? Or does being a leader in your home completely turn your stomach?

Well, when I talk to ambitious mothers about being leaders inside and outside their home, I have to be really careful how I frame it, and to frame it correctly, because otherwise, they think, “Oh, my goodness, am I not doing enough now? I’ve got to be a leader in my home as well as in the workplace?”

Well, it doesn’t mean more work, it doesn’t mean more difficulty. What it means is that you are in charge. So you get to say how things look. You get to influence the culture in your home, purposefully. You get to influence the culture in your home, consciously. That’s what leadership means. It means purposefully, influencing, guiding, leading the culture and the goals, wherever that organisation may be, whether it’s the home, because that is a kind of organisation, or it’s out in the workforce. Now that we’ve straightened out that point, let’s consider what leadership in the home might look, now that we know that you’re in charge.

So home life could be more fun, downtime could be more frequent. You could suggest and or create better meals. You get to make time to exercise. You get to engage more with your loved ones, create a fairer housework system or hire a cleaner. What else could you think of in your home, that would make your leadership style more relevant?

What about how you lead in the workplace? Could you make meetings shorter and/or more interesting? Can you have kindness or compassion, just as much a part of the company vision as words like excellence. What else? You are in charge now. And that’s what leadership means. It means you’re in a position to make positive changes, and create a culture that’s worth handing down the family line, or becomes best practice in your professional sector.

So that’s what I’d like you to think about. What does leadership look like for you? What does it, what’s your leadership style in your home? Are you a relaxed leader at home? Do you teach your children that you can be relaxed? Do you teach people that you’re able to work through difficulties and that it’s okay to make errors? Do you teach people that it’s fine to be with your loved ones when you want to be? That downtime is acceptable? Or do you teach something completely different? Are you continuing all of the former bad habits from your predecessor? Or are you shaping your organisation with a better more informed healthier workstyle? Okay, this is a really quick one. So until next time, have an abundant day, and an abundant week.

Thank you for listening to the Mother of Abundance podcast. Your host, Xina Gooding Broderick. Sign up at, for your free copy of the “Planning Your Best Life and Living It Every Day” Workbook. See you on the next episode.