At some point in our lives, we all admire someone who has achieved great success. But sometimes, that admiration can turn into envy and jealousy. We can easily become overwhelmed by negative thoughts and feelings, which can prevent us from taking action.

Personally, aside from when I was very small (and when my ex-husband ran off with my best friend, but that’s another story!) I’ve never been one for jealousy.  If my friends were doing well, I loved it!  I felt like my ambitions were more real, less fantasy, because someone I knew personally was also moving forward on their own terms.

If you feel jealousy creeping up on you, use your emotion for encouragement and inspiration instead. Imagine what it would be like to have that level of success and think about how you can achieve it. The first step is to plan strategically and realistically. Ask yourself: What do I really want to accomplish? What do I need to achieve it?

When looking at someone else’s success, focus on what you can learn from it. Ask yourself, how did they move from one level of success to the next? What decisions did they make, what advice did they receive, what challenges did they overcome? By understanding their journey, you can then apply that to your own.

At my coaching business, I specialise in executive leadership coaching for mothers over the age of forty. I’ve worked with countless women who have achieved amazing success, both personally and professionally. Through our sessions, I help them to identify their strengths and weaknesses, and then create a plan that will help them to reach their goals.

One of the most important things to remember is that there is no one-size-fits-all approach. Everyone has different strengths and weaknesses, and different paths to success. It’s important to recognise that you can take inspiration from those who have achieved great success, but you should also make sure to create your own unique plan.

So, instead of feeling jealous of someone else’s success, be inspired by it. Try to understand the journey they took, and use that to create your own special path to success. Plan strategically and think about what you really want, and then use the success of others to help you get there.