Your task for Day 2 of the 28 Days of Abundant Practice is to do a four minute workout.

Sometimes it’s hard to get to the gym, especially in the colder months, but keeping fit is still important no matter the season.

I personally don’t get on well with the gym.  Past memberships have been money down the drain, but I know a lot of you manage it and get great results.  However, for those of us who struggle with motivation to go to the gym or who genuinely prefer to work out at home – this is perfect for you.

High-intensity interval training, or HIIT for short, is perfect for busy mums.

They range in length from about four to thirty minutes. Fit this in, first thing on a morning before you have your shower and breakfast, and you’re set for the day.

There are lots of HIIT variations you can try.  Here’s a four minute example from Dr Oz and New York Jets cornerback Buster Skrine.

You can find a fair few HIIT videos on YouTube.  If you’re not used to exercising though, it might be an idea to get a qualified instructor to help you with some simple routines.

Dr Michael Mosely goes into detail in his book Fast Exercise* and has some routines in there too.  He recommends that you do two resistance HIIT sessions and two cardiovascular HIIT sessions each week.  I’ve tried his routines with my seven-year-old son and they were really good!!!  I love to go for long walks, but when time is pressing or I feel it’s too cold to venture out, I’ll do a HIIT session instead.

I like to do my HIIT sessions with kettlebells sometimes.  Although this is my preferred kettlebell workout by BodyFit by Amy, it’s not strictly speaking an interval workout.  So, here’s a  kettlebell HIIT video Amy prepared for you earlier:

So can you do it?  Can you find four minutes in your busy day to do a workout?  This is your challenge today!  Feel free to share your workout photo on Instagram, Twitter or in the Facebook group with the hashtag #28daysofabundance.

[click_to_tweet tweet=”So can you do it?  Can you find four minutes in your busy day to do a workout?  This is your challenge today!  Feel free to share your workout photo on Instagram, Twitter or in the Facebook group with the hashtag #28daysofabundance.” quote=”So can you do it?  Can you find four minutes in your busy day to do a workout?  This is your challenge today!  Feel free to share your workout photo on Instagram, Twitter or in the Facebook group with the hashtag #28daysofabundance.” theme=”style1″]

Will this be a hard thing for you to do, or will it be a cinch?  Comment below.

This post and the 28 Day Abundant Practice Challenge are inspired by the principles in the 9 Steps to True Abundance infographic.  You can get your free copy by signing up here.


*This is an affiliate link.  This means that if you click on it and make a purchase, I’ll get a small commission at no extra cost to you.