Your task on Day 25 of the 28 Day Abundant Practice Challenge is to create a healthy bedtime routine.

Previously on the challenge, we looked at setting your bedtime.  Bedtime routines are here to rescue you from bad bedtime habits and will improve your overall health and well being.  Created correctly, it will be a nightly treat you’ll look forward to ending your day with.

An ambitious mother deserves her sleep.  Hopefully, by now you’re seeing that the key to successful planning is rooted in enjoyment. So let’s get rid of the fear of missing out and create rituals and routines that have enjoyment built in.

To do this properly we need to, first of all, think about things that we need to do but don’t make time for.  Bedtime is a great time for doing 10-30mins of sorting and cleaning.  Put away plates and dishes, wash pots and pans, put out the ingredients for tomorrow’s dinner iron and put out tomorrow’s school and work clothes.  Doing this type of activity at the beginning of your bedtime routine is a healthy way of unpacking your day, sorting things in the mind to clear a space for peaceful, restorative sleep.

Part two of the routine is filled with fun stuff that doesn’t involve screen time unless it’s a book reading device/app.  You could

  • have a bubble bath both whilst listening to an audiobook/podcast/play
  • read a magazine (when was the last time you did that???)
  • play cards or a board game with your husband (timed though – you don’t want to miss bedtime)
  • have a relaxed conversation with your husband without the TV on, whilst drinking a sleepy tea or hot chocolate

Remember, you’re a Mother of Abundance, so think of it in terms of abundant living.  What could make your nighttime routine even better?

Could you give yourself a massage with your favourite oil after your bath?  Maybe go to bed with your husband early for some romantic intimacy?

Sometimes, I go to bed not long after I’ve put my seven-year-old to bed.  I’ll read to my heart’s content until my bedtime.

At other times, I’ll tidy up a bit first. I’ll make sure I’ll listen to an audiobook, podcast or radio play (I LOVE The Archers!) so that my evening tidy-up is like a treat. It’s more about the entertainment of listening – and less about the chore of tidying up.

I try to drink about 800mls water a couple of hours before bedtime so that I’m not going to bed with a full bladder.  I’ll have a couple of teaspoons of black seed oil.  It’s very good for you, but I find it repeats on me so I take it at night rather than during the day.

If I have make-up on, I’ll clean it off with my magic cloth, then I’ll put on some AHA Liquid Gold (or just tone and moisturise).  I might do some stretches and then it’s off to bed with a good book with some night time tea.  Lights out at bedtime.

I genuinely love my routine.  What about you?  Do you have a bedtime routine?  What would you add to the bedtime routine of your dreams?    Leave your comments below.

Comment on social media with the hashtag #28daysofabundance, join the facebook group here:  Feel free to invite other ambitious mothers to the group.

This post and the 28 Days of Abundant Practice Challenge are inspired by the principles in the 9 Steps to True Abundance infographic.  You can get your free copy by signing up below.