Your task for Day 26 of the 28 Day Abundant Practice Challenge is to create a morning routine worth getting out of bed for.

Whether it’s waking up, or getting out of bed, sometimes the spirit is willing but the body is weak.  I want to take a look at some things you could do to make getting up easier.  Because sometimes ambitious mothers are sleep deprived due to young children, uncomfortable pregnancies or snoring husbands, or working around the clock – getting up can be unbelievably difficult.

The first step is to think about things to do that will set your day off positively.

Use one or more tasks to create a meaningful ritual, which focuses on self-care.  Here are some options for you:

  • Pray and/or meditate
  • Write in your journal
  • Exercise at home
  • Read some of your favourite books/web content
  • Have an early soak in the bath
  • Go for a run/walk/to the gym/for a swim
  • Listen to some positive messages on YouTube/Podcast/Audiobook
  • Write some more of that book you’ve always wanted to write
  • Watch a TV show you really like – you might even want to do this with your husband if you’re both up for it!

The second step is to “eat a frog”.

This term is incorrectly attributed to Mark Twain by Brian Tracey in his procrastination-killer book Eat That Frog*.  It means you should get something done first thing in the morning that you don’t particularly enjoy so that you can get on with the rest of the day knowing that your worst task is out of the way.

These tasks could include:

  • Reconciling the accounts for your business
  • Opening and responding to letters
  • Bill payments
  • Email responses
  • Tasks that come from email responses
  • Reading required prior to a meeting
  • Writing required after having a meeting

If you can get up an hour earlier to do things you enjoy doing and then the things that would clear the rest of your day for you – that would be worth getting out of bed for.

My Morning Ritual

The first thing I do when I wake up is, drink 800ml of water.  Then I do my Miracle Morning* SAVERS (silence, affirmations, visualisations, exercise, reading and scribing/writing).  This is a programme designed by Hal Elrod in his book by the same name.  I highly recommend the book and the ritual.

After doing my Miracle Morning*, I get ready for work and school.  When I come home, I look at my time blocks and do my least favourite task on my list first.

What about you?  Do you do something each morning that makes it easier for you to wake up?  Is it a struggle each morning?  Perhaps you already do the Miracle Morning?  Leave your comments below.

Comment on social media with the hashtag #28daysofabundance, join the facebook group here:  Feel free to invite other ambitious mothers to the group.

This post and the 28 Days of Abundant Practice Challenge are inspired by the principles in the 9 Steps to True Abundance infographic.  You can get your free copy by signing up below.

*This is an affiliate link,  This means if you click and purchase from the link, I’ll get a small commission at no extra cost to you.