Your task for Day 27 of the 28 Day Abundant Practice Challenge is to understand habit formation and automate new habits.

We’re almost at the end of our challenge and you’ve done lots of great stuff to create a strong abundant practice.  It wouldn’t be so great if you went back to old routines that didn’t serve you, your family and your wider community.  So how do we keep up the good work after the challenge finishes?

Current habits offer the path of least resistance.  When you’ve not prepared for your new habit, you’ll automatically fall back to your default position.  That could mean staying up late, eating too much, not going to the gym or studying when you’re supposed to, etc.

To automate your new habits, remove the need for will power.  Will power is great initially when you’re motivated, but tends to burn out long before the habit is formed.

[click_to_tweet tweet=”To automate your new habits, remove the need for will power.  Will power is great initially when you’re motivated, but tends to burn out long before the habit is formed.” quote=”To automate your new habits, remove the need for will power.  Will power is great initially when you’re motivated, but tends to burn out long before the habit is formed.” theme=”style1″]

How To Break Habits

In the book The Power of Habit*, Charles Duhigg covers the basics of how habits are created and how to master them.  He gives a brief overview here of how habits work, using the example of breaking a bad habit:

How To Form A Habit

We talked about using habit stacking to help with habit automation in a previous post.  Here’s a video by self-help author Martin Meadows that builds on literally stacking the odds in your favour.

Do you see where you can implement some of the ideas in these videos?

Were there some tasks from the challenge that you really liked the idea of but couldn’t see yourself doing consistently?  Did you think it would be too hard to keep up?  Leave your comments below.

Do you know any ambitious mothers who could benefit from learning about habit formation?  Could this help them improve their habit-forming patterns?  Be a friend and share this post with them.

Comment on social media with the hashtag #28daysofabundance, join the facebook group here:  Feel free to invite other ambitious mothers to the group.

This post and the 28 Day Abundant Practice Challenge are inspired by the principles in the 9 Steps to True Abundance infographic.  You can get your free copy by signing up here.

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