Your task on Day 6 of the 28 Days of Abundant Practice Challenge is to empower yourself with love.  A Mother of Abundance gives love all day long and needs to have reserves of her own.

There’s a really good reason why flight attendants tell parents to put their own oxygen masks on first before putting on their child’s mask.  Basically, you need to be conscious in order to do the job right for your child.  It’s the same with love.  Self-care and self-love must never be confused with selfishness.  If you take great care of yourself, you’re in a better position to take great care of your loved ones.

Self-love in itself is empowering – power yourself up with it like a battery!!

Think of all the encouraging things you say to your children when they’re down.  Say those things to yourself.  Think of how important it is to you that your child is clean, healthy, well-fed and exercised – you need to do these things for yourself too.  Think of when we say to our children “You can be whatever you want to be when you grow up, as long as you’re happy”, this must also be true for you.

Make your happiness a priority too.  We need to say these things to our children with authenticity – if it’s true for them, then surely it must be true for you too.

I’m not saying we should give our children the rights which belong to adults – not at all!!!  They need to know their place!  But I am saying, with conviction, that we must love ourselves to the max so that we can be a better example to our children.  They can learn self-love if we show them how.

You know I’m a funeral director, right?  I can’t express how important self-love is in terms of legacy.  Show your children this and you will have won!

[click_to_tweet tweet=”You know I’m a funeral director, right?  I can’t express how important self-love is in terms of legacy.  Show your children this and you will have won!” quote=”You know I’m a funeral director, right?  I can’t express how important self-love is in terms of legacy.  Show your children this and you will have won!” theme=”style1″]

So, show yourself love.  Bring it to the fore if it isn’t there already:  It’s important, it’s necessary, it’s good for you, it’s good for your loved ones!!

Do it in ways that make you comfortable.  Louise Hay says in her book  You Can Heal Your Life*, you should make a practice of saying “I love you, [your name]” to your reflection in the mirror.  She says that it can make you feel quite silly at first but then a) you get used to it, and b) magic starts to happen in your life.  I’ve done this – it’s all true and I highly recommend it.

You Can Heal Your Life

There are other ways you can practice self-love.  Everything you do in your abundant practice can be an act of self-love.  Just decide it is, and re-affirm it whenever you practice.

Tip:  Do this task with feeling, practice feeling the love for yourself.  Just imagine how you feel about your children, your spouse, your parents, dearest friend, beloved siblings, etc.  Direct that love to yourself and let it charge you up like you’re a battery being re-charged.  Love yourself, love the process.

Will this be a tough or easy task for you?  Do you practice self-love in a conscious way every day anyway?  Please share your thoughts below.

Comment on social media with the hashtag #28daysofabundance, join the facebook group here:  Feel free to invite other ambitious mothers to the group.

This post and the 28 Day Abundant Practice Challenge are inspired by the principles in the 9 Steps to True Abundance infographic.  You can get your free copy by signing up here.

*This is an affiliate link.  This means that if you click on it and make a purchase, I’ll get a small commission at no extra cost to you.