The season has come to a swift end but not to worry, there’s more to come!

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It’s great to have you here in episode nine, can you believe the whole season has gone so quickly? I think it probably helped that I launched with a few episodes already in the bag, so that you guys could get a real good feel about Mother of Abundance, what the brand is what it means. And also because I wanted to give a gift I want, I really, really wanted to start by giving you something that would be of value to you, and something that would be practical for you to use straight away.

I wanted to talk a little bit and reflect on the season, and just how well it’s done. I mean, I just was so grateful for the amount of downloads and shares and positive feedback that I got from the people who were listening.

So if you are one of the people who shared the episodes and shared the podcast link: Thank you so so, so, so much. I really appreciate it or really appreciate it. I live a life of gratitude. So I’m walking around in a gratitude bubble most times. But this is something that is right up in there in that bubble with me is the gratitude to the way that this podcast was received. Thank you.

So, just to let you know what that season was, like, a lot of the people who are in my community, are podcasters are thinking of having podcasts. And I just wanted to let you know what that was like for me as a process. So I am a podcast consumer. I don’t only create podcasts, I listen to podcasts, too. I really loved that medium. I listen to audiobooks, too. I love that medium too. So I decided to bring the two together and offer that as a gift.

I did have to go through a steep learning curve to sort out the podcast, and if you’re on my newsletter, you will have gone through that journey with me. I got the wrong microphone that was gifted to me. Couldn’t make that work. Then I got the right microphone and then everybody said, well, not everybody, but it just seemed to come out that “Oh, no, you don’t want to get the Blue Yeti that’s the worst possible one everyone’s…” and I was like, “I’ve got the Blue Yeti now. so I’m gonna have to make this microphone work for me.” So I did that.

Just so you’ve got some insider secrets. The audio book was recorded in our, in our car in the back in the back of our house, because that was the quietest, most soundproofed place that I could find. I was paranoid about anybody walking around the house when I was recording and then during one of the episodes, my son came downstairs and I actually mentioned this in the episode, one of my sons came downstairs and I can’t remember what he asked me. But when I listened to the playback, I could hardly hear him. I could hardly him so I was thinking, “Oh! So this microphone doesn’t pick up too, too, too much noise then” and then I decided, “Well, I have to make the podcast work for me, as well as for my listeners” because you know, I’m really big on balance. And I do practice what I preach.

So we are in lockdown, well, sort of semi lockdown. here at the moment, it’s August 2020. The pandemic is still going on we’re, we’re, we’re experiencing different changes. I live in Leeds, West Yorkshire in the United Kingdom. So we are not going in and out of each other’s houses the way that we used to. So I live in a full house. So sometimes when I’m recording there might be one my son’s walking around, my husband might walk around. This is my life. And my life is very much about family, as is yours. So, I was thinking, Man, I’m gonna, I’m gonna have to be recording in my car every time I want a quiet space. But it didn’t. It didn’t work out like that. It’s gotten easier. But like I said, it has been a huge learning curve.

I launched with a podcast host, which has a fantastic reputation amongst seasoned podcast presenters. But I found it to be really not good for me as somebody who was just starting out. So I started with Libsyn. And I didn’t find that their help was adequate for me and I moved over to Buzzsprout, I think as soon as I could, but then that sort of didn’t help when it came to working out my statistics. I had to add the ones from Libsyn to the statistics I’ve got from Buzzsprout. But you know, it’s a small price to pay for getting the support that I need. And I’m really happy with the support and the facilities and everything that I have. And if you’re thinking about podcasting, I’ve left a link for Buzzsprout in the show notes.

I decided early on that I was going to manage my workflow as best as I can, because you know, I’m really big about planning around my family, planning around the things that I love doing and I wanted to make sure that I would continually love podcasting. So I set myself up for success and this is what I recommend to ambitious mothers too.

So I decided that I would work with my family members, let them know when I was recording, I’m not always very good at that I’m getting better. I also wanted to make sure that I record on one day, and then edit on another day. I wanted to record a few episodes on one day, and then make sure that they are staggered as they’re being released.

Sometimes I’ve been up until silly o’clock in the morning, trying to make sure that an episode is out on time. But I’m, as I’ve said, I’m getting better at managing my workflow. And I understand that when you start something new, there are areas that are going to be made. There are frustrations that are going to be hard, but because I manage my expectations when going into a new project it’s not nearly as painful as it used to be.

So if you’re thinking of doing a podcast or any new project, just remember, you’re not going to be as fast as you would like to be certainly I haven’t been it’s taken me way longer to sort out the podcast than I envisaged and there were certain things in that process that out of my hands like going into the pandemic.

This podcast that I had planned to have a podcast and it didn’t happen until July 2020 because I had to manage homeschooling around all of the other things that I needed to work from home, which was very challenging, but I was determined from the outset that I was not going to get upset with my son, because he wasn’t understanding things I was teaching him because I am not a school teacher. And I’m not going to get angry with myself for not completing work or tasks that I had intended to complete in a specific timeframe, because I wasn’t planning on working from home, homeschooling during a pandemic.

So I did make sure I was kind to myself, I managed my expectations upfront. And this is just some learning that I want to pass on to you anything practical that I learned from in my life. I will be passing on to you, to help you in your ambitions and to help you when you’re moving forward as well. Because it’s important to remember we’re all humans. We have our limitations, we have things that we’re really good at, we have things that we’re not so good. We’re not necessarily confident with. But it’s so important to keep it real.

You know, this is the thing, I’m not going to do the kissy lips on Instagram and go on like that, my life. My life has ups and downs just like yours. That’s why I’m sharing with you how I navigate those ups and downs, because that’s where I think the practical assistance really comes to the fore.

So yeah, that was it. Season one. Season two, I can let you know, I’m going to be doing a lot of interviews. Some of them are going to be with women who are mothers, some of the women will not be mothers, and I’ll be doing some interviews with men. But one thing that every one of my interviewees will have in common is that they will help you with your ambitions. They will help you move forward in your goals and in your ambitions, and that’s why I’m bringing them to you.

If there’s anybody in particular you would like me to interview, I have a link to the show notes, which is on my website. And you can you can comment directly on my Mother of Abundance website for this particular episode. And hopefully, I’ll be able to interview the person that you would really like to gain some knowledge and learning from.

What I do know is currently in my audience. I have coaches, I have other coaches, public speakers, people who do energy and healing work, women who work in carrying capacities, business owners, retirees who focus still on their children and their grandchildren. I have stepmothers and you’re definitely included in this community. I’m a stepmother myself, we have a blended family. And that definitely is of value and it’s part of the mothering experience.

But yeah, if there’s anybody that you want to learn from in the public speaking realm, in the corporate realm, I have contacts at University of Oxford, University of Leeds, Birmingham Aston University. I have contacts at Goldman Sachs because my business took part in the Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Businesses Programme and basically anything you can think of, I have lots and lots of contacts.

If you hit me up on LinkedIn, you’ll see I’ve got a lot of contacts. If there’s anybody from my contacts list, or outside of my contacts list that you would like to hear from and learn from on your, your journey of being an ambitious mother, let me know and I will do my best to get an interview with that person.

So, that’s it for me. I have so enjoyed doing this podcast for you all. I have so enjoyed the feedback. Thanks again that. I want to keep growing the podcast make it better and better with every episode. And I just want you to know that I think of you every step of the way in this process and I hope that you feel that when you listen to the episodes.

Until next time, have a fantastic day and a fantastic week.

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How do you manage your projects and tasks?  How do you manage your expectations?  Do you use any of these tips?  Do you have other tips that you’d like to recommend?  I’d love to read your tips, comments and feedback below!