In this episode, I discuss aspects of the “Live the Life of a Mother of Abundance” section, in the book “Productivity Hacks for Ambitious Mothers”.

The book referred to is free for you to listen to in episodes 1-4 of this podcast.

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Hey, it’s great to have you here in episode eight.

Today we’re talking about living the life of a mother of abundance. This is a bonus episode to go with the free audiobook Productivity Hacks for Ambitious Mothers, which you can listen to in episodes one to four of this podcast. Episode eight this episode, we’re talking about living the life of a mother of abundance, and it corresponds with episode four.

So today I wanted to briefly cover staying positive. And in modern terms, this might sound a little bit radical, but I did say was going to keep it real. In modern terms, I view the devil as anything that distracts from the life you are promised and worthy of living. So for me I know I have a God-given right to happiness and I claim it 100% anything that distracts me from that, I see that as the devil and I stay straight. And I’m not talking about any woowoo kind of thing. I’m not talking about any red dude with big horns and a pointy tail I’m just talking about from a practical, modern, applicable sense of the term. I just look at distraction, as something that is taking me away from something I really deserve. And I encourage you to do the same no matter whether you want to call it the devil or just distraction or just something you need to avoid. However, you want to play it, make it work to your advantage. be observant, when you are being distracted from your path. Now, I am not talking about you know throwing caution to the wind and not caring about your loved ones and being selfish. I’m talking about being self-aware.

If you are afraid of a task that is going to bring you closer to your ambitions, work on that fear, work through that fear, break it down, chunk it, do whatever you need to do to make sure you stay on target to your rightful path to happiness.

What is your path? Do you know what you want? Most people ultimately want happiness and that looks different to different people. For one person, happiness might mean working in a high powered job. For another person, happiness might mean staying at home and raising their children without having to worry about finances. For many people happiness, incorporates financial independence. For some people, happiness might mean living in a tropical country for some people happiness might mean being happily married or being able to conceive.

Happiness is very, it’s very personal to the individual. And it’s one of the reasons that I developed the workbook and the course Plan Your Best Life and Living It Every Day for my executive coachees. I’m an executive coach for ambitious mothers. And I developed the workbook and the course for my coachees, my private clients who I was working with so that we could actually work out exactly what made that individual person happy. And that could be combat focus in a really holistic way. So it’s not only about work, it’s not only about children, it’s not only about husbands, it’s not only about personal health goals, it’s the holistic thing it’s the entire thing. And I wanted to make sure that any ambitious mother who wanted to have a solid understanding of what made them happy and therefore needed to focus on in life and live through every day.

I wanted to make that easy for them and to help them to bring clarity for themselves, and for the people in their close circles so that they could be supported better. And that’s why I created the workbook and made it free.

It will be free for the foreseeable future. I expect it to be free forever. But, you know, I can never say that I will never charge for it but certainly, for the foreseeable future, that workbook is available for free. In order to get your copy, all you need to do is go to and you’ll see access to it on the homepage, next to the blog post. I tried to make it so that it’s really easy for you to find and you wouldn’t need to be searching and rooting through the whole site because there’s a lot of information there t hat’s handy for ambitious mothers, that includes you. But yeah, I wanted to make that book really easy to get.

So go that right now and get your free copy.

So that’s it. That is that brings me to the end of the bonus episodes for your free audiobook Productivity Hacks for Ambitious Mothers, which was available is available in episodes one to four of this podcast.

Feel free to share the podcast with all of your friends. Remember, sharing is caring. I can deal with this have done this in a scalable way so that as many people who wanted to have access to this audiobook, the better. The better for you the better for me, the bigger the community, the better it is. We’re going to be moving on to a few other things that we’ll be discussing in the second series of this podcast just basically helping people find their way on their, journey making it as easy as possible and then supporting you through it.

So that’s a wrap for this episode. Have a fantastic day. Have a fantastic week.


Productivity Hacks for Ambitious Mothers is a free gift on the podcast and you can access it in the following four episodes:

001: Audio Book – Productivity Hacks for Ambitious Mothers (1/4)

002: Audio Book – Productivity Hacks for Ambitious Mothers (2/4)

003: Audio Book – Productivity Hacks for Ambitious Mothers (3/4)

004: Audio Book – Productivity Hacks for Ambitious Mothers (4/4)

Access to your free copy of Planning Your Best Life & Living It Every Day Workbook is waiting for you in the right side-bar 👉🏾

What’s taking you away from your God-given right to happiness?  Do you use any of these tips?  Do you have other tips that you’d like to recommend?  I’d love to read your tips, comments and feedback below!